Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Wayne Blogged The...Ghostbusters

In 1984, I was negative four; not even an idea yet. So how could something that occurred in June of that year affect my life so (dare I say) drastically? It's now 2008 and Ghostbusters still holds the position of my absolute, undisputed, favorite movie of all time...ever.

Even as I grow older, there's a kid in me that will not deny the awesomeness of a proton pack. Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson were constant visitors to my television set as a child. In fact, I'd say that I've seen this film over 150 times. And yet, every time it's listed on the TV Guide, I'll watch it.

There's something brilliant about this movie. An unspoken hilarity within the interaction of the characters keeps me entertained every single time. And I've never found the movie to be "ha-ha" funny, just undeniably entertaining.

I've defended Ghostbusters 2 (the 1989 sequel) from the people who call it a "re-hash" or "moneymaker". Even if it is both of those things, who cares? We needed a sequel then, just like we do now. However, it's becoming increasingly clear that Ghostbusters 3 will not be made...at least not in this lifetime. So I throw my enthusiasm behind this fall's Ghostbusters: The Video Game.

Written by Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd, the video game is sure to kick a lot of ass. All the familiar characters (minus Dana Barrett) return, and are voiced by the original actors! And I'd be lying if I said that the announcement of this game did not persuade me into opting for an XBox 360 last winter (for the record, and for my withering dignity, about 35-40% of my ultimate decision was influenced by this information).

It seems so very odd that next summer this movie will hit the quarter-century mark. It truly is timeless. And although the actors may have aged, Ghostbusters never will...at least not in this incredibly nerdy writer's eyes.

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